Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Illegal Business

I have a few sudden clarifications.

What seems little to you might be more than enough for me. And what works for you, might not work for me. People have different goals and needs, so implementing a set of standards to how a person should live might not work for everyone. One size doesn't have to fit all. This is why we need more tolerance and acceptance in our lives, I think. I can't speak for you, because I can only speak for myself.

I mean, how many times have any of us stumbled upon lists after lists on various aspects of our lives? You know, lists like this and this. As a history junkie, my goals are 1) visit all the wonders of the world ; 2) visit all the sites where ancient empires prospered, like Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, parts of Africa....well, you get my meaning; and 3) to know more about my ancestors.

It breaks my heart to think that I know more about the history of the people I have never met than my own history. I can only go back until 5 generations before me, and I only know their names, not anything about them. It's frustrating.

And as a person who always says the wrong thing at the wrong time and finds it hard to make new friends until desperation settles in, no list is enough to make me think that I can just flit in someone else's path to say "Hello!" and suddenly we're BFFs forever and ever.

By the way I've deviated from my main reason. So yeah, one size doesn't fit all. I'm going to remember that whenever I get frustrated at someone or something.

And to think that I got this idea because I've been watching the Olympiacos v Man Utd game and thought to myself, "Holy shit, Moyes, you can't force the team to play the Everton way during the Champions League, you moron". And then I gave a mental slap to myself. I mean, why the hell am I giving a shit about them. I should be rejoicing at how bad they are this season.

And I've been listening to this song a lot.

Courtesy of True Detective. The song is played in Episode 4 during the biker bar scene. I think it goes without saying that I love most of the songs on the True Detective playlist.


filzahalfway said...

baru baca post ni! sangat la setuju rasa mcm nak print out, letak kat bilik.

btw next time nak gi mana2 boleh heret kakak sekali tak?

wani said...

Haaa boleh jom la.

Kak Wani nak plan satu trip October ni. Kalau Kakak nak ikut, nanti boleh la bagitau plan.