Monday, July 06, 2009

are you asking me out on a date?

"are you asking me out on a date?"

i'm sure that was what you were thinking when i asked you to go out with me or you wouldn't ask "what kind of going out?". to tell you the truth, even i can't answer that. but i can tell you this;

i'm laughing my ass out at you.

come on, it was just a simple question, and you needed time to answer that? you had to ask all kinds of questions just to make sure what my motives are? dude, that hurts. it might not mean a thing, you know, my asking you out.

not that i know where it might lead though. LOL.

really, i could give you 10, 000 reasons why i want to meet you, but i just couldn't lie to you. i don't need a reason to meet anybody i want to, and you're included.

i can understand why you're comfortable with the way things are, i really do. i just wanted to see how you would react, that's all.

so, please, don't lose sleep over this. not that i think you will anyway.



Datema said...


wani said...

LOL. tak kot. dia sgt kental. LOL.

axira said...

takut mak bagi questionaire..

wani said...

mak nak bagi questionaire apa?

xira said...

tanye la mak die...