Wednesday, July 08, 2009

i used the f-bomb on facebook just to see how you would react

holy fuck the internet is fucked up because of that memorial shit but i just can't wait! this is some important matter, more important than hearing a bunch of WTF people singing that dead guy's songs at a funeral somewhere on the globe.

i know there are only a few kerat people who read this blog, but please listen to Dead by April! it's a metalcore band from Sweden (yeah i know.. Sweden?) but these guys are hella good, people. i'm still awake because i'm waiting for their album to finish downloading. God, can we get this memorial thing over with? it's pissing me off!

this is Dead by April's first single. anyway, that lead singer reminds me of Obi Wan Kenobi. his real name always escapes me and i'm just too pissed to google anything right now.

i like this song more though. can you spell beautiful? this song makes my soul weeps and my heart all aflutter.

please la listen to them!

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