he said it took him 2 days to recall who i am because according to him, i changed a lot. i mean, of course la dude, takkan la nak sama. dah 12 tahun kot tak jumpa.
and that reminds me of this girl. when we were in school, people always mistook us as sisters because they said we looked alike. i still don't see the similarities, but judge for yourself.

i pilfered these photos from her facebook page, thank you very much.
yes, she's prettier. anything else? you might not see the similarities too anyway since i wear glasses and tudung now.
i found some very old pictures of us together after 23 1/4 hours of rummaging, but i'm too lazy to scan everything. some other time maybe.
as you can see, my mind is on other things.
i found some very old pictures of us together after 23 1/4 hours of rummaging, but i'm too lazy to scan everything. some other time maybe.
as you can see, my mind is on other things.
dh jumpe kwn mase time skolah rendah!?
kwn skolah rendah yg kte jumpe kt facebook tu kan...smpai skrg still xingt dier sape...=.="
oh wat 2 do org popular~~
popular abis! memang coooooool! tapi ramai yg kata muka k wani banyak berubah. ni kwn2 sek ren yg ckp camtu.
i miss ayu!
i miss her too. hey diba, where's my birthday present?!
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