anyhoo, i found this guy while browsing through my facebook's friends' friends. before any of you start throwing words like "get a life!", "don't you have anything better to do?", "go find yourself some pot to smoke" or something along that line at me, let me tell you this; actually i was waiting for The Usual Suspect to finish downloading, plus, i just talked to someone on the phone. so, back off, people, I DO HAVE A LIFE!
okay, now i completely forgot what i was about to write.
oh yes, about this guy i found on facebook.

this guy is of mixed parentage. you see, i have this thing against people who mentioned their mixed parentage/blood/whatever in every conversation i have with them. not that i'm implying that i have conversed with this guy, i'm just talking about oh-the other 342, 386 people with mixed parentage that i have spoken to for the past 20 years. don't give me the side eye, i do meet a lot of them in my life.
what perks my interest is what he wrote in his "about me" field:
pot.....daddy is a certified half malay half indian who refuses to be called a macha by any
means....yea abah you are a keling...deal with it
yeah, whatever. you look like a typical Malay guy, dude. so, cut it.
i'm not talking about this dude only, i'm talking about all the people with mixed blood in Malaysia. even if the mixed part came from their great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, they will still talk about it. you want to know the news flash? actually, EVERYONE in Malaysia is of mixed blood. the only true Malayans are the Orang Asli people. even my paternal grandparents is/was Siamese and my maternal grandparents were Arabs. like i said, none of us can claim ourselves as 100% Malays.
the reason why they want to mention their mixed blood everytime they open their mouth is beyond me. it's not as if they are of superior quality. they're still ugly (e.g.Faradhiya) and stupid as hell (e.g. too many to list). they also say the darndest thing. i still remember there was this one time when Ashraf Sinclair lost his temper over this issue and said the ultimatum, "we also pay the tax". yeah, sure. but you're also the guy who got caught kissing that slut then-girlfriend of yours and holding a puppy in an Indonesian ad.
stupidity suddenly has a new name. Paris Hilton will be so proud.
p/s: aren't you glad that you're able to enjoy me bashing some unknown guy just for the fun of it? well, you can thank your lucky stars that there are only 5 persons who actually give a damn about this blog.
iklan itu sungguh HEBAT yang amat!hah
geli btol org2 cmnie
Apo la nak bangga sngt kalau mak, pak, atuk, nenek, mak ngah, pak long, tok lang, tok chik, opah ko tu org cina/jepun/india/belanda/german/london/korea ke ape. kalau muka cam pecah umah, xde maknenye nak cite beb. lagi2 kalau perangai x serupe org, xyahla nak kobar2 sgt kan. your parentage doesn't define who you are
xira- kalo takde caption kat hujung tu mungkin aku kata sweet kot.
lupa pulak nak tambah, this asshole join kelab "i'm of mixed parentage!" kat facebook. geli betul. kenapa tak tattoo je kat dahi tu kata dia nih mixed blood?
lagi satu tak suka betul dengan org yg cakap dia chinese-look ke, japanese-look, european-look, whatever.
there was this one time i went out with a friend. during lunch she said,"payah betul la kalo muka chinese-look ni, banyak betul orang yg nak kenal". and then she droned on about her experience of being hit on by a pengkid.
needless to say, that was the last time i went out with her. thank God she's in UK now.
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