the most amazing thing happened to me last night.
you see, as of since the last couple of days, my credit is RM0.02. well, that's not the amazing part. the amazing part is this; even with RM0.02, i managed to call someone (who is a Celcom customer) and talked for at least 10 minutes! the other thing that boggled my mind is, my expiry date is 4/4/2013!
amazing. i don't know whether i can repeat that action, although the last time (which is only 2 seconds ago) i checked, my expiry date doesn't changed.
anyway, one of my facebook friends just updated his status to:
Daniel Martin Sebastian condemns the person which plot to assassinate U.S. President OBAMA in Turkey (Muslim country) !!!
As much I don't like him I utterly condemn this indispecable act.
Josiah: tipically Republican la u ... anyway agree with u in the indispecable act!!!
*after i made a copy-and-paste of this shit, i removed my blog add from my facebook page. not that i've harboured the hope that all of my 158 facebook friends ever clicked on my profile page*
anyway, 2 things i hate from above comments/ conversation/whatever are:
- the "muslim country" statement.
- that "Republican" word.
this Daniel is an Israel supporter. i'm fine with it, because a person can form any opinion he/she wants including him and me. my opinion is that Daniel is an asshole, because he only sees what he wants to see and never checked the facts first. plus, he joined 1 000 000 PRO-ISRAEL Facebook Rally (for those with weak hearts and weak stomachs are not advised to click on this). i don't want to go on and on about this shit, because i've said it over and over again.
and about that "Republican" remark. i hate to point out that he's a Malaysian and therefore not a Democrat. after all, i don't really like Obama that much ever since he vetoed against the legalisation of marijuana. come on, we're talking about the fuel of life here! anyway, once, when A Rahman won the Oscar, Daniel stated that he's proud to be an Indian. WHA ?!? balik la India kalau nak sangat.
i don't know what's up with these people. Indians and Chinese still think they belong to India and China. the Sheikh and Sharifah families still think they belong to Arab countries. their patriotism is so low that i'm ashamed to call them my countrymen. why can't we all be Malaysians and put this race issue behind us? after 52 years of Merdeka, i think we are long overdue.
i hate it when people blame the Malays for anything bad that happened to this country, most recently, the TNB CEO. yes, he's not an honest man (from what tidbits i read and heard) and his track record is not that good (pretty bad actually), but don't blame him for being a Malay. what about Perwaja and Eric Chia or Samy Vellu and his sons for that matter? i've come across so many writings that said if only the Chinese were given the reign in Malaysia, this country would be more successful than any of her counterparts (read: Singapore). pardon me if i'm wrong, but Singapore has been successful for centuries now and the ironic part is that, they have the British to thank for that. do you really think that Singapore's success only came after they broke things off with Tanah Melayu? and don't give me that bullshit about Singapore gives equal opportunity, don't you remember that Singapore is controlled (literally) by one family only?
be proud that you are a Malaysian and ignore all those racist remarks by the politicians. they're the only ones who gain the most from this situation.
Earth to Wani! Didn't u know about the Hotlink Youth Club. Check this out http://www.hotlink.com.my/hotlink/youthclub/
The best darn thing. We get the lowest caller rate me-think.
Next about being true Malaysian. Couldn't agree you more. This mind set should be banned! I don't know anything more about Malaysian being original these days. Banyak celup aja.
oh, really???
dammit. and here i am thinking that finally Maxis did a suck-up job or something like that. ciss.
but there's still the fact that i can call people with only my 2 cent, which doesn't change since 4 days ago.
whoa! with only 2cents wani! what did you do?
i don't intend to find out why, because i'm afraid the privilege will be taken away.
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