Wednesday, February 18, 2009

bong-gate mystery

after months of dropping my IQs by watching a stupid sinetron about a dirt-poor girl falling in love with a rich boy and watching a drama series about a bunch of stupid, hysterical females, i've had enough. i mean who are they (the production teams) are fooling? the dirt-poor girl in the sinetron is sporting an at least RM400 haircut and the said people in the drama series obviously never referred to Penal Code (or anything else that matters), because it stated there clearly that kidnapping is a crime that is punishable by at least 7-year imprisonment or death, to some extent ( Penal Code, s359 to 368-please note that i purposely left out the slavery and prostitution part because i'm afraid they will get headache from reading too many difficult words). thank you Jelita and Spa Q 2 for making me feel brilliant again.

oh yes, it's a call to jobhunt.

anyway, the list of 40 richest Malaysians is out, and it came as no surprise, although i'm keeping my eyes on Tan Sri Azman Hashim of Amcorp group. it's not because of something personal, well, kinda, but because he reminds me of my F8 lecturer, Pn Ros. her sister is married to Azman Hashim's nephew, and she always told us stories about Azman Hashim's family in class. the story that i remember the most is this - Pn Ros was excluded from her audit team (they were auditing AmBank, if i'm not mistaken, at that time) because she said that she has a direct connection(?) to Azman Hashim. you got that? Azman Hashim-Azman Hashim's brother-son (i remember his name, Adam)-Pn Azlina (Pn Ros's sister)-Pn Ros. that's a bit far-fetched, don't you think? it's like saying that i have a connection with Felcra because my uncle is a former CEO of Felcra. 


p/s: Yorkhire ripper is fit to be freed from Broadmoor. even though Broadmoor's doctor said he is no longer dangerous, let's be real here; he killed 13 women, although i personally believe the number of his victims can easily be twice as that. i vote we put him there forever.


Ummi said...

seriously u watch Spa Q???

i couldn't bear to watch that drama because my mouth just won't shut up, piling up my sins one after another
with all the cursing and cussing.

really x tahan that drama! the thick make up, the over-acting actresses
(especially Si Mar tu), the never ending affairs... bah!! really cannot tahan.

wani said...

petang-petang mana ada cite best. terpaksa tengok spa q tu. tapi lepas yang pasal dafi and julia tu, dah stop tengok. geleman tahap tak boleh terima.

bodoh nak mampus.