Tuesday, February 24, 2009

my life doesn't revolve around this

awards shows are undeniably a yawnfest, so, it's very confusing why i dig this kind of shit. just yesterday, i wasted almost 4 hours of my life watching the Oscars. God, it worked better than any sleeping pills i've ever known in my entire life, and i tell you, i know plenty. really, it's true. i yawned when they were making jokes, i even yawned during Ben Stiller's impersonation of Joaquin Pheonix. the only saving graces of the night are:
  1. Kunio Kato's speech. he deserves another award for that speech alone.
  2. Tina Fey and Steve Martin
  3. Skankelina's cuntface during Jen.A.'s presenting gig
  4. Skankelina's cuntface when she lost (i don't understand, Kate Weepy has won ALL best actress awards this year, did she think she got any chance to win this one?)
  5. Kunio Kato's speech.
the low points of the night are:
  1. Sean Peen's win. don't get me wrong, i think he's amazing in Milk. it's just that none of them can top Mickey Rourke's performance as The Wrestler. he was robbed big time.
  2. Heath Ledger's win. i repeat, don't get me wrong. he was brilliant as The Joker, but the best performance came from Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Doubt. it's a pity because everyone gave too much attention to Heath Ledger that they overlooked this great man's act. watch him in Doubt and Capote, and you'll get my meaning. 
  3. Heath Ledger's eerily composed family and famewhores. while everyone was on the verge of crying, they looked calm and composed even when talking about their deceased supposedly beloved family member. i was hoping to see Matilda accepted the award, only because her speech would only be "bye daddy, i love you" in her own gibberish words. i bet everyone, even the most hard-hearted people would cry a river at that.
  4. the musical performances. what the fuck were Zac Efron, his beard, and Beyawnce doing in there? that was the sorriest eyesore i've ever seen in my entire life.
  5. Skankelina and StuPitt. need i explain more?

i wanted to add Kate Weepy's win as the best actress in the low points list because she annoys me as hell but the so-called Hollywood Royalty annoys me more. she was practically begging for the Oscar win for months. so what if she is nominated for 5 times and zero win before this? Meryl Streep is nominated for 15 times and she only won 2, with one of them being the Best Supporting Actress (for Kramer vs Kramer-amazing movie) but she never complained. thanks, Kate, but i'm not your fan anymore.    

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