Saturday, February 14, 2009

insanity is overrated

preeeettttttttyy, isn't she? her eyebrows give me nightmares inspiration. i don't recall her name, but she's Salman Rushdie's latest toy girlfriend. talking about Salman Rushdie, i don't get his appeal. i don't know if i'm too stupid to read his/Booker Prize books or what, but i abandoned Midnight Children halfway through because even after 60-something pages, i still couldn't understand what he was trying to say. but then, i also read another Booker Prize winner, The Life of Pi by Yann Martell and i love that story completely (both novels are available at PTAR 1 UiTM). hmmm, weird. 

i've done nothing interesting lately. really. apart from bashing both Rihanna and Chris Brown on the internet, bashing on the octuplet's mom, watching a few movies every day, bitching on everyone who dared to pick on my lovely girl Adele, spending the days away gossipping, bashing on Tatiana the Hyena, more bashing on the octuplet's mom, thinking about my exam results which will be out this Monday, recovering from the stroke from reading about that 13-year-old dad, more bashing on the octuplet's mom, falling in love all over again with Christian Bale because of his very passionate outbursts, singing to Christian Bale's remixed outbursts, searching for Beethoven's 7th Symphony, 2nd Movement performed by Czech Philharmonic Orchestra (the most tedious of them all) and more bashing on the octuplet's mom, well, i did practically nothing. 

nowadays, i'm a walking nerve-wreck. just thinking about my exam results makes me too tired to do anything else properly. i couldn't even write a proper "fuck you" comment on the octuplet's mom's website. oh, this is so depressing.

i'm so hoping that i'll do well. i don't know, i can't even remember what i wrote those 3 days. my temporary amnesia is totally freaking me out.

on a lighter note, i did manage to watch some very good movies, most notably (Rec), a spanish horror movie, which i just watched this afternoon and The Fall, the film that prompted me to search for the haunted Beethoven's piece, which i watched yesterday and of course, The Wrestler, even if i had to cringe everytime Mickey Rourke came on screen. these movies, alongside Slumdog Millionaire, restores my faith in filmmaking after the horrible nightmares Benjamin Unbuttoned put me through. that paedophile scene alone conributes to my slimmer body (because the scene makes me sick, again and again). 

but then, my good mood is diminished again by the famewhore octuplet's mom. damn, what a Skankelina-wannabe bitch (sorry, i can't resist). not only is she living off taxpayers' money, everything about her breathes taxpayers' money, even that 14 IVF.  to those who don't know, IVF is very expensive, more expensive than some of the Japanese-made cars. not only that, those premature-care bills will be footed by the taxpayers too. this woman is beyond ruthless. she's not only stupid, she gives a whole new insights to the world of Skankelina. Los Angeles used to be one of the richest cities, and now it's on the brink of bancruptcy, so it's very untimely for this madwoman to do what she did. the doctor who gave her those IVF shots should be banished from the earth also. what an insensitive jerk.

okay, enough drama. i'm already traumatised enough by the pictures of her stomach. now, i need my tranquilizer.   

*i'm so miffed! i just knew Beethoven 7th Symphony, 2nd Movement and Beethoven 7th Symphony in A Major Op 92. Allegretto are the same piece. when i think about all those hours i spent searching for this one piece, i can be as mad as Skankelina wanna-be!* 

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