Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Day 3: Kamakura (Part 2)

I shouldn't have wasted my life on watching Season 9 of X-Files. And to cement my status as a stupid bitch. I watched all 20 episodes of Season 9. I could have stopped after Episode 3 (demons wtf) or Episode 5 (I had nightmares about flies for days) or the most WTF of them all, Episode 16, but I didn't. And I don't want to talk about Episode 16, ever. I'm still bitter about my lost youth.

So...this is the part 2 of my trip to Kamakura. My first post about Kamakura is here, if you're interested.

We spent the better part of the day in Kenchoji Temple, because,  1)Kenchoji has 10 smaller temples,  2) there were a few bazaars in the temple compound (because we're girls and we like looking at shiny, never-before seen things) and as I've mentioned this in my previous post, 3) there was a treasure display that day. We had to pay extra for that but hey, it might be a once in a lifetime experience for me.

There were a few musicians playing and some kind of a tribute to the 2011 earthquake and tsunami victims at the temple entrance. And by the way, I don't know how many main entrances Kenchoji has, I think it has got to be more than 4, because this entrance was the second or third we passed.

Dunno what that board with pictures of people was supposed to tell, I think it was the lineup of the day? And on the right is the tribute I told you about.

After that entrance, we passed by another entrance and there was a second bazaar (I don't know what to call it actually, there were lots of stalls that sold food and other funky items so I just call it a bazaar in place of "market" because well, I'm classy like that). The first bazaar was at the first entrance, and we didn't stop there because it was close to mid-afternoon and there were lots and lots of people who were having lunch there. And at the second bazaar, we met this interesting person.

I can't remember his full name, I think it was Matsu-something and since we had trouble pronouncing his name, he told us to only call him Matcha, like the green tea. And mind you, this photo was the forth or fifth take. The man was quite fussy with his pristine image, I believe.

That was me convincing him that his photo was okay after every shot. And yes, his skin was that red under the sun.

And now I'm getting lazy haha so I'm just gonna post a few unedited photos from inside the small temples in Kenchoji and I'll tell you all about the treasure display in Part 3.

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Yes, I have derpy hands. Most of my photos are senget. Now you know why I love photoshop so much.


Filzah said...

Finally sambungan!

Again, gambar ok, and don't worry gambar senget/distort kadang-kadang sbb lens (lens concave.) bak kata sape-tah-femes-photographer 'anda delusional kalau anda expect gambar anda straight' mcm tu lah

kalau rajin kat photoshop filter->lens correction->custom. kalau dh tau, abaikan. kehkeh

wani said...

Wah taktau pun pasal lens correction tu ahahahah boleh create tilt-shift effect jugak! Thanks Kakak!

Dah google pasal lens concave ni tapi explanation dia panjang sangat jadi malas nak baca. Kalau kita kat uneven ground pun akan jadi jugak ke macam ni? Sebab ada satu gambar kat tangga ni taktau berapa kali ambik pun masih senget. Haha Kakak faham tak? Mungkin kena tunjuk gambar dulu kot.