Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ruined Memories

I listened to Lostprophets a lot during my school years and still listened to them occasionally after I left school. I even paid money to buy a couple of their cassettes and trust me, spending RM16.90 for a cassette was a luxury those days. I stopped listening to them completely when I first heard that Ian Watkins was charged with multiple sexual abuse against children late last year and began to gradually delete their songs from every playlist I have on laptop, phone, everything and now LP is just a distant memory.

When this news first surfaced, the details were vague but a report (can't remember which) I came across to posted a few photos from the clips that clearly showed this vile piece of shit's face and a woman's face, I swear. Nothing graphic though, just photos of faces. When the news about his guilty charges broke last night and more details surfaced (seriously, it was more fucked up than I imagined it would be), I tried googling for that report but no photos came up, except for his mugshot which disgusts/terrifies me because everytime I see his face, all I want to do is inflict the worst injuries known to mankind on him. Despite all the talks about wanting to punch people and wanting them to be struck by lightning, I really am not a violent person. I love babies and kitties and rainbows and unicorns for God's sakes.

I guess those photos were taken down to protect the identities of the babies involved since the other two motherfuckers are the babies' mother? I don't know, but what I know is typing that sentence makes my blood boil again.

I tried separating the man from the band and their songs but I couldn't. I tried listening to one song, thinking I could do this, but when I heard his voice, all I could think was "this fucking asshole rape babies".

And I know I raise hell everytime people over-share every detail of their lives on the internet but for once in my life, I won't say anything about it. Today. Only.

Edit: Came across this site too last year and reading the comments again made me realised that there were people who knew what he was up to years before he got arrested. Sick fucks.

Brb going to watch The Lion King Dumbo Up Spirited Away Wall-E Full Metal Alchemist dammit I cannot find a cartoon/anime that doesn't have a sad scene in it oh hell I'm going to watch White Chicks for the 8,267,263rd time instead. Stupid movies always cheer me up.



Ummi said...

Dah berapa puluh kali tengok White Chicks, tapi still gelak macam first time tengok.

wani said...

Oh hahahaha sorry. Hahha ye ingat tak dulu kita suka betul dengan movie ni dengan Hot Chick?