Saturday, January 05, 2013

Pot and kettle

The secretary to one of the Big Bosses joined us for lunch one afternoon last week (by us, I mean my colleagues and I ) and one of the Akaks said this to her.

Akak from my department: Kau ni Wan, join kitorang lunch hari ni ada hati nak masuk department kitorang la tu.

Akak secretary: Eh taknak la aku join department korang. Sekor-sekor mulut macam puaka.

I laughed out loud, because what she said was true! And sadly, I was the only one who laughed out loud. Everyone else just looked at each other because for once, they seemed at a loss for words. And then one of them tukar topik and things went okay after that.

After the lunch hour, all the Akaks grumbled loudly, saying things like, "Kurang ajar betul Kak Wan tu, dah la andartu" and "Cakap orang mulut puaka, dia tu lagi la mulut puaka" and my favourite, "Padan la takde orang nak kat dia walaupun umur dah nak masuk 50, mulut puaka sangat".

Pot. Kettle. Black. Lepas tu kena marah pulak because I laughed when everyone else got offended by something that's entirely true.

Sometimes I wonder how I made it this long in this company. Seriously cannot tahan anymore.

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