Friday, November 23, 2012

Guess what?

This happened during the last boycott (I think it was 3,4 years ago). I was with a friend and dying for a prosperity burger and I suggested that we had our lunch at McD. The friend totally refused and launched a tirade about the whole Palestinian-Israel conflict and finished off with "Takkan la tak kesian kat orang Palestin jadi kita kena boikot semua barang dari US".

And we went to Sushi King for lunch. Tak check la pulak Sushi King salurkan revenue kat Yahudi ke apa but that was fine with me.

Oh we went shopping together and girlfriend needed a new handbag. And she bought one that day.

A Guess handbag. 

The End. Finito. 

Despite my personal views on the whole boycott issue, I think I really don't care whether you're for or against the boycott. What really irks me is that, people like to jatuh hukum and say such and such without referring to ulama. The definition of ulama as per Google is;

Ulama - the body of Mullahs (Muslim scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law) who are the interpreters of Islam's sciences and doctrines and laws and the chief guarantors of continuity in the spiritual and intellectual history of the Islamic community.

Dalam Bahasa Melayu, maksud ulama ialah:

Ulama - orang yang benar-benar mengerti atau mengetahui dengan mendalam hakikat sesuatu. (Muhamad Ismail, 1961:26.)

Kadang-kadang tu ikut sedap tangan je menaip/ikut sedap mulut je bercakap tanpa buat rujukan dulu lepas tu bila orang pertikaikan, mula la nak naik angin. Lepas tu yang boikot mengata macam-macam kat orang yang tak boikot, orang yang tak boikot pun mengata macam-macam kat orang yang boikot (GUILTY!). I get that everyone is angry because we cannot change the situation in Gaza but please, jangan la emosi sangat sampai hukum agama pun letak sesuka hati. Kita pun bukannya pandai sangat agama, tak salah kan nak buat rujukan semua sebelum buka mulut.

The Israel is blocking the aid from getting into Palestine, so donating right now is futile. That's only my opinion je la. You can keep on donating if you want. I'm not gonna stop you.

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