I still don't get why the barbed wire were there, surrounding Dataran Merdeka, as if the Bersih 3.0 supporters were terrorists.
I swear, this is true. His exact words are "Malam ni lepas solat Isyak aku nak berdoa supaya Allah turunkan azab kepada beruk-beruk yang otak kuning ni". Astaghfirullahalazim. Rasanya even orang yang tak pernah beristighfar pun beristighfar banyak-banyak bila tengok benda macam ni.
How did we get to here? Does it make you feel superior somehow to call people anjing, babi, beruk, monyet, etc, etc? I'm sad because yesterday was the day that I found out that humanity deserted my fellow countrymen, when they said "padan muka, nak sangat pergi ikut Ambiga kafir tu. Memang menyusahkan orang betul" because some of the Bersih supporters were injured badly. Heard there were deaths also, but I'm still hoping none of it were true.
Now here's a question I'm dying to ask everyone who was NOT there at Dataran Merdeka but had the nerve to post things after things on the Internet. You guys are against the Bersih movement because you said it's memalukan negara di mata luar dan menyusahkan orang ramai. Most of you were at home anyway yesterday, so did it trouble you personally? Did you face difficulties in doing your chores yesterday? And the world already casts Malaysia in a bad light (google them yourself). So what are you afraid of? Even if the world has a favourable opinion about Malaysia, ONE FUCKING DAY will not suddenly turn it into unfavourable. Good God, my fellow Malaysians, have a sense of reality please.
I chose to say nothing about Bersih 3.0 at first because I wasn't there at Dataran Merdeka, and because personally the Bersih 3.0 supporters don't bother me that much. But I saw red when I saw the name-calling and the doakan azab ke atas orang lain and the injured people. Are we that insensitive that the sight of someone who has a different political opinion than us lying around bleeding profusely makes us happy that we say "padan muka"? Come on people, have a heart please.
I chose to say nothing about Bersih 3.0 at first because I wasn't there at Dataran Merdeka, and because personally the Bersih 3.0 supporters don't bother me that much. But I saw red when I saw the name-calling and the doakan azab ke atas orang lain and the injured people. Are we that insensitive that the sight of someone who has a different political opinion than us lying around bleeding profusely makes us happy that we say "padan muka"? Come on people, have a heart please.
But seriously, awak panggil orang bodoh, awak sendiri pun bercakap macam orang bodoh. Tak rasa ke awak memalukan diri sendiri?
sama Wani. Kat home fb aku ramai betul yang komen ttg Bersih ni..teringat bila aku baca entry2 ko yg dulu, mmg betul ada budaya 'name calling, doa azab etc' di kalangan orang kita ni..
susah betul bila semua rasa dia yang betul. ;) kalau tengok org berbalas2 komen yg pro Bersih and against Bersih, fuh, ayat semua baik belaka.
Sedih la bila tengok kawan-kawan jadi macam ni. Bercakap/menulis/menaip tak berfikir dulu buruk baik semua.
Lepas tu bila dah set fikiran yang satu benda tu memang tak elok, semua benda pun kata tak elok. Itu yang boleh terkeluar kata "padan muka" bila tengok orang cedera/mati apa semua.
Rasa macam nak hantuk kepala diorang ni, biar diorang ingat sikit yang walaupun berbeza political opinion, kita masih rakyat Malaysia.
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