I think it's funny that the people who are against Seksualiti Merdeka think that we live in such a liberated country that pre-marital sex is rampant and the sight of people lip-locking is common. If not, they wouldn't be making such a big fuss.
Not all unmarried couples in Malaysia engage in sex, so why can't we say the same about the gays? Why do we have to think the worst about them? That's the weirdest thing of all.
I truly believe that homosexuality can't be promoted. If you are one, then you are one. You can't be enticed into thinking that you must be one if you go anywhere near them, because your body reactions will never tell you lies. I think that's what pissed me off the most. These people who are so worked up over this issue believe that the public can't think for themselves. They think we can be so easily influenced and we can't differentiate the good from the bad. But most of all, they make me think that I must be stupid or something and thus I need them to make decisions for me. It's degrading.
After I wrote THAT status, a friend bbm-ed me and asked "Tak takut ke akidah tu terpesong kalau sokong gay ni?" and I was totally taken aback. Amboi engkau duduk serumah dengan boyfriend dah 6 tahun ada hati nak mempersoalkan akidah aku? And here I am thinking that same-sex relationship AND cohabiting are both dosa besar. Seriously what part of I DO NOT CONDONE don't you understand?
Tapi takpelah, Majlis Ulama has stated that it's haram so ikut je lah. It's a shame though, because I believe that we should befriend them instead of alienating them. Why? Because I believe in love and tolerance. If I can tolerate the opinion of others AND Taylor Swift's pinchy wailing on the radio, I sure as hell think all of you can tolerate my opinion too.
I think this is my last piece regarding this issue. Cakap banyak karang orang kata tak hormat agama sendiri pulak. Habis tu name-calling tu hormat sangat la.
axira <3 katy white
Nampak sangat salah tempat komen ni.
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