thanks to Aziemah and that Sonne video by Rammstein, i have a twisted view on fairy tales. i don't remember exactly what made you, me and Ijan talk about fairy tales that fateful night, but oh i'll never forget what you told me because the stories shattered my illusions forever.
now, everytime i hear anything about the Sleeping Beauty or Rapunzel, however remotely linked, an image of Elisabeth Fritzl will come uninvitingly into my mind. it's not a pretty image i have to admit.
thanks for nothing, Aziemah.
(DON'T CLICK HERE) click here for more fairy tales (DON'T!!!!). click here too for more lovely fairy tales (YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! DON'T!!)
hey, where can i get my hands on the original Brothers Grimm? i've been looking for the book for days now to no avail. i found one on Ebay, but it's too expensive for me lah.
i think that night we were talking about our addiction to barbie and somehow it led to fairy tales...
Here's another 5 for your reading pleasure. :P I think it was because we realised we were talking about drugs and sex too much so it was a welcome relief.
I have the Grimm's fairy tales and if I'm not mistaken I told Izyan to buy a copy too. Penguin series. RM8.50.
Ijan: there's going to be "Barbie as Sleeping Beauty", so i'm dreading its release. next year ke 2011, i'm not sure.
Aziemah: i have one with me,but it's the household version. it's been edited like shit until all the dramas are gone. your version is the gory one? didn't know that Penguin published that version.
i'm not sure. didn't exactly check to see if it's unabridged. if it isn't, they'd inform us, right? i added your blog in my rss reader, so i was surprised at finally visiting the actual URL and seeing the new background. i think i like the old one better... or at least remove the blue outlined instruction on top. :P
PS: Have you ever thanked me for *anything*?! anything at all!?
of course i have. i'm a polite person after all.
i don't know how to remove the instruction on top, so i decided to go back to my old layout. that html is in spanish, so i don't know where to adjust the width of the column. bugger (how English i sound, heh?)
oh i've changed my mind. what do you think about the new template? i was torn between 3 choices. oh well, i was looking for the html codes for the old template when suddenly, this urge to look at other templates was running amok. :P
so, tell me whether i should change it or not.
if i may be honest, this template look a bit... boring. just my 2 cents
i downloaded about 10 or more templates but i can't quite decide my mind. i'll change again tomorrow.
this one is better than the last, and i think better that the one before that as well. but i'm wondering. what's the middle image (if there is one)? you seem to have an affinity for red-black combination.
when's the next change due?
that spiral thing in the middle? the white-coloured thing? that image behind the box? i have no idea what that is.
i do have an affinity for red and black. the combination is so powerful and poignant that i'm surprised to know that there are less than 10 people who read my blog. there should be at least 1 million hits per second. but hey, that's people for you.
the next change is coming now.
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