Monday, June 29, 2009

saya tak dapat makan rambutan sebab saya batuk

i admit that i can be illogical, bitchy, flighty, irrational, absurd, fallacious, unsubstantial and unreasonable sometimes (do not, i repeat, DO NOT think that i'm all that all the time!), but even i think that the people that want to be notified everytime someone views their facebook profiles are being beyond absurd. come on, facebook allows you to privatise all kind of shits you want, and you still want to get notifications when your profile is viewed? who are you? Lady GaGa?

i did research (a.k.a a few mouse clicks) on how many such groups existed and i was boggled to find out that there are 33 groups! really, the creators of these groups need to get out more than i do.

actually, there's a reason why i oppose of the existence of such groups. it's because (surprise, surprise) i like to look at others' profiles, especially this one girl's profile. when we were 16, we had a falling out and over the years, i always wanted to reach out to her but i chickened out. she has proved that she is the bigger person than me because she was the one who requested for the add, not the other way around. i want to write on her wall, i really do, but i'm still in my chickening out mode. i need to gather up my courage to even type the word "hello".

God, this is harder than i thought.

talking about unreasonable reminds me of that little incident when someone said that i like to press stories from people (yes, i'm still pissed). don't you know, buddy? when i ask you questions, it's because i care about you, not because i'm being a busybody (okay! maybe a little...). truly, that's what friends are for.

now, will you tell me the rest of the stories, please?

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