Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Bila nak kerja ni?

These. Shoes. Are. Killing. Me.
(birthday present, please?)

oh, Paris Hilton, how i envy you!

to be so useless and yet so rich is definitely enviable. how can life be so unfair by lavishing all that money on a brainless twat instead of on me? i can't even afford to buy a pair Christian Louboutin's shoes whilst she can have anything her heart desires. i really wish that i could be her for a day but i'm afraid that i would get all that sexually-transmitted diseases she has contracted from the countless men she has slept with. you have to wear a hazmat suit if you're within 100 miles from her. trust me, she is that dangerously contagious.

lately, one of the questions that i've been getting is, "Bila kamu nak kerja ni?". i don't know what is up with these people. suddenly everyone is interested in what i'm doing, who i'm seeing, when i'm getting married, what are the brands of my wardrobes, what are the colours of my panties and all kinds of WTF questions. i have to admit that at first, i was flattered to be the center of their attention but after a while, it got stuffy and annoying. now, it bothers the hell out of me everytime people ask me that kind of questions. it makes me want to pull a Chris Crocker and shoot a "LEAVE WANI ALONE!!!!" video.

i'm serious.

i don't know how much longer can i fake this "disappointment" at being jobless. people always assume that i'm frustrated and jealous when they talk about their children's luck at finding a job, when actually, i hardly give a damn. they can't even tell whether i'm being serious or not. well, i don't expect them to understand the mind of a genius like yours truly anyway.

how can i tell these people that even after 6 months of doing nothing (minus the 2 weeks of doing the accounts for my dad's friend), i'm still not actively looking for a job. i know, i know, my butt needs a good kicking for saying that and all, but dear God, being useless is so amazing! i'm not sure i can give up this sense of uselessness for a 9-5 job, but recent situations make me think twice about it.

Zira is going back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks of exam break and my other YM companion just got a job. so, right now i'm bored, not to mention that being abnormally broke has something to do with it too. just yesterday, i woke up with a not-so-euphoria feeling that i'm the only loser left and so i updated my profile on Jobstreet and made a few adjustments on my resume. i even added this one person who i don't even know as my facebook friend because he works at Jabatan Audit Negara. see? i'm trying! needless to say, that made me long for Paris Hilton's life, again.

i should stop procrastinating. who knows, i might like working. after all, everyone knows how much i love money already.

oh well, about facebook, i even added that pig Radzie and a bunch of people i don't know as my friends because i felt like it. *sighs* i really need to get a life.


ijan said...

radzie...really?u need a life man.

wani said...

man? i have a uterus, you know.

what about that Jabatan Audit Negara dude? i'm trying here.