Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bila nak kawin ni?

I hate weddings and engagement parties. oh wait. i hate all kenduris. actually,i hate any family/friends gatherings. i can only thank God that i like to eat, so i have to drag my butt to these said occasions or i would've been chased for all the lies i've told in order to escape from these weddings and engagement parties. 

just yesterday, one of my lies trapped me. you see, last year, a close friend got engaged and she invited me. i told her that sorry, i couldn't make it because i had to go to another wedding instead. as you had guessed, i didn't go to both. why? because i really hate it when people ask me those oh-too-personal questions. after all, engagement parties are a family affair and i didn't want to be a hindrance to.....well, emm, well......anything. alas, she found out about it and trust me, the confrontation was not pretty. ah well, now i have to go to her wedding this October because i truly pissed her off. no! i didn't make it into something i have to do!.i do want to go! i mean she's a close friend, right? haih.

really. even i can't believe myself that i'm capable of doing something as stupid as that.

i got really annoyed when people, especially the ones i don't know asked me questions like "Bila nak kawin ni?" and "Bila la mak kamu nak dapat menantu ni?" and all sorts of personal questions. If i went to the wedding alone, they would ask me "Bila kamu nak ada kekasih ni?". well, hello, mak cik, it doesn't mean that i'm an anak dara tak laku if i decided to go alone. lain kali, tanya la dulu dah ada boyfriend ke belum, ini terus tanya bila nak ada boyfriend. when i was at my most lippy and annoying, those mak ciks would get an earful from me. who cares if people think i was being rude or what, they were rude to me first. 

please note that the above situations only occured when there were no hot guys around.

really, all these makciks don't know when and how to shut up. sometimes i feel like it's one of their life missions to humiliate me. at times, i was really tempted to ask them what had they gain from doing all that. really, their busybody-ness fascinated me sometimes. 

but all those questions pale in comparison with this one question;

"Kamu ni bila nak dapat kerja?"

well, mak ciks, if i were Paris Hilton, you wouldn't dare throw that question at me. really, mind your own business!!  

now you know what happened to the wedding and the engagement party that i was supposed to go, don't you?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

layak ke ko nieyh nak kawin????baik ko jadik anak dara tua