Tuesday, May 05, 2009

word of the day: green

i didn't know this song is available in Dutch. i want that dress, that boots, that hair, that necklace and that xylophone. enjoy!

i think i can finally understand why people get a kick out of online dating. 

forgive me for being sceptical at first. well, it's not surprising since i'm a naturally sceptic person. i rarely believe in anything people told me until i experience it firsthand. like i stated earlier, now i understand why singles met up on the internet ended up getting together and to some extent, got married. finally, the notion found its way to my thick skull. 

before i get to the point, i want to say this. i'm astonished to see how uptight people can be in real life and how utterly charming they can be on the net. they are even capable of making jokes! it's unnerving. i still can't figure out why. some people who i find boring and douche-y in real life turn things around online with their funny anecdotes and on-the-mark jokes. but then, majority of them still bore me to death. and since we're separated by tens of miles and several monitors, i can gladly call them boring and put in insulting comments on their facebook pages without any awkward feelings (you know, the awkwardness you felt when you were bad-mouthing a person to someone and that someone had the nerve to tell that person. so rude!).  


i don't know whether the fact that you find them charming while you were chatting/facebooking/ ym-ing/ im-ing/ whatever-ing with them is what makes you attached to them and find them totally irresistible. far-fetched it might sound at first, but i think i finally got it, especially if you're as bored as i am right now.

what i'm trying to say is, i totally understand why. no more arguments from me about that.

okay, i concede. maybe not as much as it used to be. how about that?

p/s: to whoever played the drums on OIAM3 Grand Final, will you marry me? 

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