anyway, i've told Ummi about this before and i didn't tell anyone else because it was gross and so hilarious at the same time. but because a friend just told me about his obsession (???) with Yahoo!Answers because he's so damn bored, i just can't resist the urge to share with everyone else.
this story is a few months' old and Y!A has deleted the question.(yeah, i don't get it too. boo Y!A) it made quite a buzz back then and this is the link if any of you hasn't heard about it. it only has 3 answers (out of dozens) but all three struck gold. my favourite is this though (not available on the site):
Unfortunately, your vagina is releasing harmful greenhouse gases that are contributing to global warming. I suggest that you capture the steam using a plastic bag or else you can cause a global catastrophe.
the other answers are:
"hello, we won't be able to answer the question without seeing video of said steam -- please post it first and we will take time to research"
"It shouldn't be a problem as long as you use protection. My wife had steamy vag and I did not heed the warning signs. I just had to have it. I now walk around with 18th degree burns on my peepee. Why, dear lord did I tempt the steamy vag?"
"The little pussy that could!"
"Steam coming from the Vagina acts as a sauna for the Male's Penis during intercourse."
"I Don't know, I'll take a look..."
"It's tea time!"
"I think this means the pasta is done."
how's that for marvelous answers!!!!
Y!A is full with geniuses. throw away all your motivational, self-help books and stop watching all those Oprahs and Ellens and shit and start typing your problems away on Y!A, because Y!A can give you the answers to everything.
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