i'm very disappointed to hear that the PussyCat Sluts has slutified Jai Ho, the great Slumdog Millionaire's song. the Hindi version is all about victory and the Sluts managed to take the victory part (which coincidentally is the whole part) and make it into one very let's-geeet-it-on song. but then, why am i so worked up about this? they're the Sluts after all. i shouldn't be so surprised.
even after 8 Oscars and numerous other awards, some uneducated, stupid, racist people are still bashing Slumdog Millionaire. what? do these people really think that Benjamin Button shit is really that great? come on, even The Reader, that shit-assed Kate Winslett's film is better than Benjamin Button. i'm not saying that Slumdog is the best film that ever came out last year (i'm still bitter that they overlooked Doubt), i only said that Slumdog is the best film out of that 5 nominees. if you ask me, i think none of the nominated films are as good as No Country for Old Men, which in my opinion, still holds the candle as the best film ever produced since the past 2 decades.
in other news, i got a letter from GSC today. since i never materialised any of my bookings (because i only made reservations to get the best seats and i bought the tickets after the reservations were released so that i could use my student card), i was hoping for a termination of membership kind of letter. to my surprise, it's because i won 2 complimentary tickets because of my participation in i-forgot-what-kind-of contest. granted, it's only tickets, but since my luck is never in good gracious with the word C.O.N.T.E.S.T, i'm still happy! i threw all hopes in winning a contest ever since TM ignored my brilliant slogan in their I Want To Be A Millionaire contest. oh yes, i'm so inspired to enter the One In A Million 4 or So You Think You Can Dance next year.
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