Wednesday, February 25, 2009


i'm ashamed to admit this, but i find it hard to understand shortened words. just a few minutes ago, my friend texted me and said "ber2ah2" and i cracked my head off to think what that word is. it turned out to be "bertuah".

excuse the hell out of me for being ignorant, but shortened words and abbreviations usually escape me. i'm sure most of you know LMAO, LMAOROTF, LOL, NSFW, and all, but do you know that IDK stands for "i don't know?". i just found out about it yesterday.

that's why i find it way beyond irritating to read blogs/emails/sms/anything else that have more shortened words than i can comprehend. when i'm at my most irritating self, i just ignore all these smses and emails, no matter how important they are. and you know what triggers me to write about this? because i just read a blog written by a pompous, know-it-all ass that uses shortened words and spells his words like we used to say in our everyday life, like "kate" instead of "kata", "ade" instead of "ada", "soklan" instead of soalan", "sume" instead of "semua" and many more. God, my eyes were tearing up when i tried to read one post alone.

don't get me wrong, i use these words when i text people, but to use them in your blogs and online notes (like the ones in Facebook) just seem inappropriate. i know, i know, before any of you accused me of being a pot calling the kettle black, i admit i used shortened words in my first posts, but i tell you, i wised up. i can't keep up with all these words, abbreviations and acronyms anyway. and no, don't bother checking up whether i've corrected my bad grammar and all those ill-fitting words, because i haven't. i have a fondness about my first posts, because they remind me of how much i have changed since then.

so please people, spell the words carefully for my and your own convenience.


Ummi said...

Well said, my friend. And it's about time as well. I use all those abbreviations and that "sume" "ape" "kite" "kate" in my sms and YM but not in my blog. I feel that we all need to understand when and where to use those kind of words.

But I cannot tahan these words: apew, sapew, kitew, watever-lew. Gosh, speaking of annoying! Konon2 comel la tu pakai ayat camtu. Pfffttt!

wani said...

i can't stand those "ew" words either. i just don't get why people want to use these words. my brain can't take in all these stupidness.