Monday, September 01, 2014

Don't hate me!

This is my first attempt at writing something related to beauty routines. Yes, I know, hearing me talk about beauty routines is like hearing most Malaysians talk about economics. Things do not compute. But anyway, bear with me, alright?

I always have problems with what I thought were blackheads and whiteheads, but actually are sebaceous filaments (NSFL because gross). In case you need more clarification, these are the shits that came out when you slapped pore packs on your nose (I slapped those on my chin in several occasions too, it was that bad). I know SFs are quite normal and all, but that doesn't make me want to reduce them any less.

I used to over-cleanse, over-scrub, over-use my toner and bypass any moisturiser because I thought SFs appeared due to the excess oil of my skin until it got to the point that my skin got so dry and flaky  that even acnes appeared all of a sudden. Things went from bad to worse. That was when my dumb brain finally realised that I was doing things wrong.

To make things right, I browsed through beauty forums, subbed to /r/SkincareAddiction and read a lot on Paula's Choice's expert advice  and one thing I noticed was that most of the topics on SFs mentioned Oil Cleansing Method  and I thought to myself, oh what the hell, might as well try this. Before OCM, I knew that some brands sold beauty oils but those were waaaaay out of my budget and I knew that BHA was more effective but, hmmmmmm, I don't have an excuse for not using BHA but let's use the 'I'm broke" excuse too.

I used cocoa butter oil that had been sitting in my closet for God knows how many years as a trial and after years of having a tight feeling to my face everytime I cleansed, I didn't like the oily feeling at first. I got used to it after a few times. After I ran out of the cocoa butter oil, I used Bio-Oil that had been sitting on my Mom's make-up table since God knows how long and after I ran out of that, I used Johnson's baby oil that had been sitting in my closet for God knows how long too. Yeap, it was a really dark period for me as I was totally broke at that time. But hey, good skin finally yeayyyy!

As my confidence grew, I tried to become more adventurous and tried my hand on using other oils and I came across this site when I searched for oils to purchase. It's a bit pricey (to a cheapskate like me at least as I spent RM0 when I started) oh well being beautiful doesn't come cheap I guess. Look at their toners too btw, they're awesome.

Here's my routine before and after OCM.

Before (I used Body Shop's Vit E and Vit C range alternately) 




Moisturiser (anytime the mood struck me)

I used pore pack (no specific brand) every 3 days and clay mask (no specific brand) every weekend



Cleanser ( Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Daily Face Cleanser)
Toner (Neutrogena Deep Clean Blackhead Eliminating Toner-yes I know. I'm going to try a Thayers toner after this)
Moisturiser (I use Olay Total Effects and Clinique Superdefense Daily Defense Moisturiser alternately)
Sunscreen (Neutrogena Ultra Sheer SPF50)


I wipe my makeup with Johnson's baby oil before I take a shower everyday
OCM (currently mixing castor and sweet almond oils. I want to try coconut and hemp seed oils after this)
Sometimes I use cleanser after OCM, sometimes I don't
Moisturiser (sweet almond oil)

I use Body Shop Clay Mask every weekend.

My new routine is not perfect but it's working for me .The routine is also missing the BHA exfoliating part and I'm thinking of getting this but sighh maybe next month. I also think that maybe I should start using serum but sighh maybe later. Mahal tau tak nak jadi cantik ni.

This has got to be the gayest post I've ever written in my entire blogging history. You can erase this post from your mind after you have finished reading. I will write about unimportant and inane topics after this.


Ummi said...

Lama tak singgah blog orang and baca. I like this post, though. Hahaha!

Himalaya punya Neem Face Pack okey jugak to try for face mask.

wani said...

Okay! Nanti try!