Saturday, July 26, 2014

Yes, I'm dumb

I was in no mood to work for the whole day so I went merayap to the other finance departments (there are 3 finance departments in my current company). As in most finance departments across the world, this department comprises of 60% of people above 35 and 30% of people below 25. The other 10% quota is filled by people of my age range. What I'm trying to say is that finance departments are usually filled with Akak-Akak.

So anyway, back to my story. I went merayap to the other finance department and one of the Akaks was enthusiastically recounting what she heard during ceramah before terawih last night. She said that the ustaz giving the ceramah told the crowd that "Allah is so omnipotent that even the astronauts on Mars could clearly see the shape of Kaabah from the planet without using any device".

Since I'm a known party-pooper and I don't know how to keep my mouth shut sometimes, I said this,

"Tapi kan Kak, mana ada manusia yang pernah jejak kaki kat Marikh".

I think that Akak hates me now.

p/s: Please note that I'm not denying that Allah is omnipotent.

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