Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Need a Clarification

Just a few things
  • I think it's funny when somebody makes a comment about something and then adds "nampak sangat tak tahu sejarah" when 90% of the time, that person gets the history mixed up. 
  • If we can believe that in a war, one party can so heartlessly kill innocent lives, what makes you think that the other party can't do the same?
  • And if we can claim that one party is spinning PR tales to make them look good to the outside world, what makes you think the other party is not doing the same?
  • I don't think people get that the reason why the number for casualties of civilians on the Israeli side is so little is not because of Hamas having a compassionate side and only target the military forces, but because of this. I think it's one of the reasons why Israeli military actions seem excessive too, although they should tone their military actions the hell down anyway. 
  • And I don't think most people understand that US vetoed against the UN inquiry into Gaza assault is because US makes it a point to vote against any and everything that puts Israel in jeopardy. If you take religions out of the equation and see things from a military point of view, it's quite understandable. ........I think. And no, I don't take AIPAC out of the equation. 
  • I don't get why people are so hung up on the US vote when they do it every damn time since God knows when but nobody is print screening and posting photos of the voting board when Russia and China vetoed the shit out of that UN resolution to condemn and sanction Assad's government in Syria.   
  • And this might come as a surprise to you, but Israel is self-sustainable now. Even without the $3 billion military aid from US, they are self-sustainable. 
  • I'm trying to be a neutral and not to take sides. I also don't believe that things are as black and white as it seems (I've been saying this for years!). It's difficult to find a source that is unbiased and objective though, especially when Israel is bombing hospitals and schools and power stations and killing 4 children playing football on the beach or when Hamas are hiding in the public areas and launching rockets out of schools and hospitals instead of taking the fight in open spaces when they know Israel would have no qualms bombing the shit out of those places, civilians be damned. 
  • I was mocked when I said that both Hamas and IDF deserve to be treated as war criminals but hey, that's only my opinion. Kindly correct me if I'm wrong in any way. Really, I don't mind people correcting me when I'm wrong.
  • One party is more hell-bent on destroying the other party instead of bringing to an end to its people's  suffering while the other party is headed by a government which uses top-of-the-art weaponries to wipe out the other party. Both of them don't want peace and the people who are caught in between are paying the price.
  • There's no innocent party in this war except for the civilians and while we're arguing about semantics, the number of civilian deaths is climbing up. 
That is all.

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