One of the reasons why I couldn't get into Lord of the Rings was because to me, the novels were too descriptive. After the first try, I never picked up any of the novels in the series and finished reading them - I did read a few pages before putting them down though. That was, I don't know, about 12-13 years ago I guess. This was before the first movie in the trilogy came out.
And I hate Millennium series trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc, etc) because the amount of product placements in the novels bothered me to no end. The brands and models of every computer, mobile phone, furniture, etc, etc were described in detail and man, it took out all the enjoyment I should have had while reading a critically-acclaimed novel. Not only that, but Steig Larsson started many chapters with what time the character woke up, what he/she had for breakfast, how many minutes it took for the character to shower (if they showered at all), the colour of the outfits worn by the character, well you get the point, and all these before the real action began. I felt like shouting, "Just fucking get on with it, you asshole" because it took forever to get to the point.
Not that Stieg Larsson's styles of writing was anything exceptional either so yeah I hate the novel series.
And right now I'm reading 4 novels (note: yes, I'm bragging) and one of them is Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia (DO NOT JUDGE. Izzue Islam is cute) and God, all these brand-mentionings are putting me off. Should I know that Syaf was using a Nokia 5320 (yeah, what the hell is up with that?) and her ringtone was a Bruno Mars' song? No. And every outfit worn by every character was described to a T (one of my pet peeves). No wonder the book is so thick (almost 900 pages) because the novel is filled with too much nonsense. I don't know whether my attention span can be sustained until the last page.
Now you know why I can't be a writer haha. I lack the patience AND the talent.
k.wani pls dont stop writing! suka style k.wani n english k.wani kan gempak,xdelah sakit hati bila baca blog2 yg nk pakai ayat bombastic tp grammar salah,tension jugak...n aziemah pon dh lama xupdate,i use ugusy punya blog to improve my english hahah cz i hate novels tp mengagahkan diri jugak baca sebab english dh makin berterabur T.T
Hahah duduk London pun takleh nak practice T.T
Baru! Kak Wani sangat kering idea sekarang. Selalu taktau nak tulis apa :(
oH kte confident je kalau speaking,mmg hari2 pon speaking tp writing skills makin teruk!!! alah grammar british sini pon tunggang langgang kot,kalau lecturer sendiri xtau nk spell cmner? lecturer mat salleh lagi heh.
silalah updateeee xkisah apa2 asal fully written in english ok? thanks k.wani :D
Ahahah itu memang masalah orang kat sana. Bila menulis tu adoi, banyak yang tak faham.
Baru, Kak Wani punya English pun teruk gak T.T
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