Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I went to a hospital this morning, and the last time I was in the same hospital was when I went for my medical check-up for the new job. That was in 2011.

This is kinda gross. Continue at your own risk.

I did my medical check-up in the month of Ramadhan, and good God, it was a a torture to do the urine test. I felt the urge, but the more I pressurised my body to do what it was supposed to do, the more stubborn it got. Seriously, macam apa je.

All in all, it took me about 2 hours to fill the empty bottle, and it wasn't even filled as per the requirement, and they couldn't even use the pitiful amount of my body waste for the testing. Finally, they only asked me whether I've used any drugs or had sex with high-risk partners for the last 6 months, and of course my answer was no to both.

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I actually said yes to both, you know, for giggles.

I watched The Loved Ones (spoiler alert, don't click if you want to find out for yourself) yesterday, and if you like gore, you'll love the movie. It's unlike any horror movies I've watched before this. Just calm your stomach and watch it, okay?

Spoiler alert. Continue at your own risk.

There's a scene in The Loved Ones that's similar to what happened to me when I did my urine test. Oh the pressure to just go with it, it's unbearable.

And my inner 10-year-old boy got hysterical when this song was played hehehehehehehehehehhehe.

By the way, the song is "Agile, Mobile, Hostile" by Andre Williams. There are videos of him singing the song live but I can't hear the words because the music is too loud and I need  YOU to hear the words to this song.

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