As a book lover, I'm deeply disturbed by the fact that some people went to the Big Bad Wolf Sale just to snap some pictures of the place and the books they didn't buy. A friend of mine posted photos of dozens and dozens of books, only to later tell her friends that the books belong to her mom and brothers because she doesn't like reading.
Hahah I know, there must be something wrong with me for getting disturbed about something that doesn't concern me at all but I don't know, sayang la buat buku macam tu.
Unlike other people, I didn't spend hundreds and hundreds of money at the BBWS really, I only bought 5 RM8 books aaaandddd I saved all the titles that I thought were interesting on my phone so that I could download them later and read them on my Kindle ahahahahahah because I'm a cheapskate like that. Yes, trust me, I'm ashamed of myself too. And yes, I'm contradicting myself. As a book lover, I shouldn't think twice about spending money on books but ahahahah I can't explain it. I'm so ashamed of myself.
Went to BBWS at 3AM because I thought there wouldn't be as many people at that time as it would be during the day but man, was I mistaken. Penuh gila orang, parking pun penuh jugak. Lepas tu sesat taktau mana entrance because Ateem and I were too sleepy sedangkan we passed the entrance about 2 or 3 times.
I want to go to BBWS again, mungkin bila orang dah reda sikit kot. Malas la nak terserempak dengan parents yang tak berhati perut dragging their children (read:babies and toddlers) to MIECC pukul 3-4 pagi just to buy some books macam la tak boleh pergi esoknya. Anak menangis pun dia masih boleh buat taktau pilih-pilih buku lagi. Inconsiderate pricks. And don't let me get started on parents yang bawak babies and toddlers masuk panggung wayang. Sampai bila-bila pun tak habis.
Some people shouldn't be parents.
Just finished reading only one of the novels, The Ask by Sam Lipsyte and I truly liked it. The ending is a little too flat for me but the novel is too funny so I don't mind echewah poyo betul bercakap macam book reviewer. Malas nak ambik gambar and upload so you have to google if you want to know more about the novel.
Oh and talking about novels, I recently re-read Les Misérables because for as long as I could remember, Fantine only appears at the start of the novel (there are 5 volumes in Les Mis and Fantine only appears in Volume I) and I wanted to make sure that my memory didn't fail me, and yes, for once in years, it didn't. The spotlight on Anne Hathaway's portrayal of Fantine is too glaring for people to ignore so I guess in the movie, they expanded the role to make it more Oscar-worthy. For all the publicity Les Mis is getting, people are going to be extremely disappointed if the movie sucks balls so I hope it will at least be entertaining.
Lord I'm getting boring. Tulis dalam blog pun dah tak betul.
kakak tak suka yg kata 'tak banyak option pun untuk buku arts n design' pastu beli buku A&D yg palinnng murah. yela kau kan tiap-tiap minggu g kinokuniya beli buku A&D. btw lecturer kakak spent rm1800 80% buku A&D 10% buku utk anak 10% buku kereta kot?
RM1,800 untuk buku.....kalau untuk buku A&D tu faham la kenapa tapi RM180 untuk buku kereta....yang tu tak faham..........
Sikukan aje orang yang bising pasal buku A&D tu, mengada betul.
Kebanyakan orang yang pergi BBW tahun ni macam tak faham apa yang ada kat sana. Diorang expect style BBW macam major book stores macam Kino yang semua genre buku ada. Lepas tu bila pergi dan tak jumpa buku yang diorang nak, terus kata tak best. BBW dah la jual buku bawah RM20 each, kau ni lagi la nak banyak komen. Dasar hipster.
eh, ada bukak pukul 3, 4pagi?
Memang! dasar hipster. menyesal promote BBW kat dorg ni tau.
oh yg buku utk kereta tu, dia nak buat reference for future project.
Kunalan, last weekend diorang buat 63 hours non-stop sale! Weekend ni ada 60 hours non-stop!
Kakak, sama la. Kak Wani pun menyesal promote BBW kat orang yang membaca untuk nampak hip bukan sebab dia memang nak membaca.
Boleh tanya ke apa future project dia?
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