Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do unto others as you would have them do

That is all.

Okay maybe just one.

Dunno whether I'm the one who's overly sensitive or whether it truly is an insensitive thing to do but dear God, please lah don't post anything that relates to a person's death on the Internet. Have some respect and please don't tag arwah's name in your status or Foursquare, please don't post pictures of arwah when talqin is being read, please don't post pictures of the pengebumian, you know, the list goes on, but I think you get my meaning. Just put yourself in arwah's family member's shoes and ask yourself whether you'd consent the acts. You were there to visit and to sedekahkan doa and al-Fatihah and bacakan Yassin for God's sake, so what on Earth are you doing whipping up your camera phone on arwah and post the pictures on Facebook or Twitter? The lost of humanity in today's society is making me sad.

I'm sure people would think tinggal 3 Jumaat lagi when I say this but when I die, I hope as hell no one would do that to me or I sure as hell would come back and haunt you for the rest of your life and make you suffer. I'm sure if you're one of the very very very few treasured friends I have, you'd respect my wish.


N a d i a said...

Kesian pada arwah / jenazah..

Kalau dulu, orang pergi kubur tak heran pon nak bawa handphone.. adakah bila tangkap gambar tu nak menunjukkan orang tu bersimpati atau nak tunjuk dia ada melawat di kuburan atau....?

wani said...

Aku pun tak pasti apa tujuan dia, tapi yang aku pasti aku rasa macam nak terajang je dia masuk liang lahad tu. Haaa ambik la gambar puas-puas dalam tu.