Friday, January 20, 2012


As usual, I just woke up. It's 2:42AM.

Had a weird/happy/scary/confusing dream just now. In the dream, I handed in my resignation letter and the company retaliated by suing me because they said I breached a verbal contract. I did tell them that I intend to stay for as long as I can handle the pressure, so they took it as an agreement from my part. So in court, I defended myself by airing everyone's dirty laundry. Whatever secret they told me, I used it as my arsenal. Sampai habis benda aku cerita ambik kau.

And then the dream ended there.

So surprised to know that I'm as mulut tempayan and busuk hati as the akak-akak in my department. Makin lama aku kerja sana, makin buruk perangai.

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