Monday, January 16, 2012

Haaaa bagitau lah semua orang! Bagitau! Bagitau!

I've been repeating all over Twitter and Facebook but trust me, this bears repeating.

One of the things that irks me the most is how boastful people can be about their amalan, or good deeds. Doesn't matter lah whether it has something to do with your religions like updating your status after you performed your solat EVERYTIME, bangun tengah malam untuk Qiyamullail/Tahajjud, puasa sunat or just a general do-gooding (is that even a word?) like donating, it's still boasting.

Trust me, I'd prefer to hear you boast about your worldly possessions and pursuits rather than to hear you boast about something as sacred as performing solat. I guess you've heard of the saying, "jangan biarkan tangan kiri tahu yang tangan kanan menderma", so I don't get why people can't keep their mouth holes shut and possess a need to tell everyone what they're doing. Lepas tu berlumba-lumba pulak siapa punya amalan lagi banyak.

So please lah, keep everything to yourself. Kamu tak tahu kah riak dan takkabur itu tipu daya syaitan? Sia-sia saja amalan tu kalau pahalanya ditarik balik kan?

Masing-masing dah besar panjang, takkan lah itu pun nak bagitau zzz.

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