Friday, December 30, 2011

So you'd rather embarrass yourself?

I'm a broken record. I like to repeat the shits I said over and over again. And I'm truly sorry if you're bored with me by now. I will understand if you desert me this time.

So, Malaysians. Why do you have to be truly offended when I corrected your indecipherable English? I did that in the first place not because I wanted to embarrass you, but because I didn't want YOU to keep on embarrassing YOURSELF. Yes, I know, my English is not that great either, but if I know something that you don't, why should I keep it only to myself and see you make the mistake over and over again. Which do you prefer? To be snickered at by me behind your back (if you're one of my Facebook friends that means I will be making snide remarks about you on my Twitter and blog) or to improve yourself?

Do you think I like it when I see unreadable English sentences everywhere? Yes, I can just keep the fuck out of everything but I don't want to see everyone I know (doesn't matter whether I like you or not, I mean EVERYONE) to keep making the same mistakes and be the brunt of a joke, even if it's only me who's making the joke and no one would be laughing with me. And you have the nerve to be mad at me and call me names when you should be thanking me for not allowing you to keep on embarrassing yourself. Yes, I'm vain and self-entitled like that.

Why do I have to start the conversation with "sorry, I don't mean to offend you but instead of this and this, it should be this and this. Sorry again :D" complete with a smiley and all when it's you who should be apologizing to me for giving me a migraine while trying to decipher your words and keeping me awake at nights because your bad grammar and disputed use of words are giving me nightmares. Why should I be ashamed on your behalf when you don't even care that you're making a spectacle of yourself in an unfavourable way? Why should I worry about your grammar and pronunciation when I don't even fucking know you? 

Even I don't understand why. I should get sainted or something for still doing this even though I get insulted everytime.

Jangan lah confident kalau nak bercakap/menulis tu. Kalau dah tak tahu sangat, stick to BM kan lagi senang. Takde lah aku sakit jantung nak faham apa yang kau cuba sampaikan. Lepas tu ulang-ulang "dependant on your lucky" (what he was trying to say was "depends on your luck") 5,6 kali sampai aku pun tak tahan tengok kau malukan diri sendiri. Haih orang Melayu, orang Melayu. Beriya bercerita pernah pergi negara itu negara ini backpacking sana backpacking sini, semua experience kau sia-sia je kalau benda senang pun kau tak tahu. 

Yes I was wrong for butting in in the first place, but hello, you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Lepas tu nak insult orang pulak zzzz. Malas la nak layan orang camni. I was really tempted to return the insult but haihhhh bila fikir nak tulis ayat apa, keinginan nak membalas tu hilang pulak. A sign of growing up perhaps? Life mellows you down at some point.

I care shits about what they said about me on Malaysian Backpackers Club Facebook page because I don't know these people and their opinions mean nothing to me (I think lah kot) but I do care that none of them is trying hard enough to improve their English (sebab semuanya pun Melayu so guna je lah BM!!!!). But then zzzz the info section of that group is telling enough kot. 

I really should be an English teacher or lecturer or something.

And haha my creativity juice (chewah!) flows when I get insulted. How peculiar is that?


barukisu said...

knape join club tuh? n oh pls correct all my grammar mistakes, sentence ,words everything lah like k.ijan corrected me b4 hehe i like it n really appreciate it :)

wani said...

Aik Ijan selalu betulkan ke? Haha we love you okay! And we'll miss you :(

ijan said...

haha...i corrected her once. kan senang kalo bole terima teguran, aku pun x kisah kalo korang buat benda yg sama. at least hilang rasa malu.

wani said...

Kan? Aku pun tak kisah. Yang aku kisah ialah yang melenting tunjuk berlagak bila kena tegur.

N a d i a said...


kesian Wani selalu kena camtu.. Wani pun pernah tegur aku tapi aku rasa Okay je.. malu jugak macam apehal bende ni pon aku salah. hahahah.. tapi no problem.

Tapi macam gila teruk kalau 'depends on your luck' pon tak tahu mana satu yang betul. *sigh*

malu nye daku rasa.

btw, thanks Wani sebab betulkan dan yeah, ko patut jadi cikgu BI. =)

wani said...

Haha tapi tak minat nak jadi cikgu. Mungkin boleh jadi writer untuk highlight semua ni?

And thanks! Tapi aku jadi malas la jugak bila kena sebab aku dah cakap elok-elok kot, lepas tu kena insult balik zzz.

barukisu said...

isnin ni k.wani n k.ijan free x? :)

wani said...

I'm free! Nanti kak wani tanya Ijan dia free ke tak.