Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Claiming that you're not racist/religiously-intolerant even after posting links after links and updating status after status saying that wishing Merry Christmas is against your aqidah is like claiming that Gaddafi was not a killer just because he was a Muslim.

It does not compute.

From my (limited) observation, I think that most Malays and Muslims in Malaysia forget that Islam is fair and treats everyone equally. Wishing Merry Christmas to those who celebrate the festival does not make you a believer that Nabi Isa was born on Dec 25th, but it shows that you're being courteous. Yes, I googled and I know that Ijma' Ulama is divided between to allow it or to make it haram. I'm of the opinion that Islam is not a cruel religion and it does not want its followers to incite hatred against people of other faith.

I may be wrong here, but why are you so afraid that making a mere wish would lead you astray? Is your aqidah that fragile?   

I really wish that we Muslims are not this divided and paranoid. 


barukisu said...

bg kte xsalah kalau nk wish pon tp xperlu pon sebab jesus bkn nyer lahir on the 25th dec pon, dlm bible pon xde tulis so in conclusion deorg sume tu delusional je...ade tgk vid kte post kt fb kte x? interesting sgt psl thedeenshow :D

wani said...

DAH TENGOK! Itu lah pasal, Christmas was first celebrated a few CENTURIES after the alleged birth date of Jesus Christ, so kalau kita wish pun, bukannya sebab kita percaya dia lahir 25/12, tapi untuk social reasons. Betul tak?