Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Can't live without it

This is my take on the Malaysian politics. My opinion and mine alone. Please bear in mind that I might be 99% wrong here so blame all the inconsistencies and wrong facts on me.

I'm not a supporter of the Government nor the Opposition but I'm a supporter of what's good for the people and my country. I'm a registered voter and I'm more disappointed with the Government right now than the other side though, especially after the Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2011.

I really hate it when the people from the government says that the rakyat tak tahu mengenang budi when they voted for the opposition. Who the fuck are you to question the allegiance of the rakyat when your allegiance is actually in question. The rakyat voted for you and keep you in the office because the rakyat expect you to get the jobs done and fight for their rights bukannya bagi dekoder seorang satu kat satu bangunan PPR dan menyusahkan rakyat. The duit negara these ministers are talking about are not their own money sedap je kan kata rakyat tak mengenang budi. All the discrepancies in the AG's audited report tu salah siapa? What about the RM250 million NFC scandal? These are the rakyat's money we're talking about. How come nothing is being done when the rakyat demands an answer for all these? The rakyat is that soundless and worthless ke?

I voted for the Opposition in PRU 12. This was when the Khir Toyo issue dominated the headlines. Right now, I'm not too sure about my own vote. Everything about Anwar Ibrahim makes me stabby. I don't care if he's innocent or guilty (of the sodomy case), but at the merest breath of a scandal whether it happened or not, I think anyone with dignity would resign from his post. I understand that all he wants is to prove his innocence but the more stubborn he gets, the more power-mad he seems to me. All I see of him now is someone who is so passed his prime but still fighting to stay relevant. I like his daughter though. Now that is someone I respect.

And then the whole Hasan Ali saga happened. How can one claim himself as being a true fighter of Islam when he's a proven racist/religiously-intolerant (Exhibit A: the Methodist church raid)  is beyond my comprehension.

But sigh, reading this post pun dah tau I will vote for which side kot.

This is not related to what I blabbered about but I don't understand why most of us (me included) are always looking for clues of what is not allowed than to follow what is allowed in Islam. The best example is the declaration of haram of certain food lah. How can we be so paranoid that we google the halal-ness of each food we about to consume when once you're in doubt about its halal-ness, the food would not be halal to you anymore? Why can't we just be confident and believe that non-Muslims are not that cruel to actually use non-Halal ingredients in their cooking? Why are we in this situation right now? Why do we have to be suspicious of everyone around us?

And I'm guilty of all the above too.

And you, as a Malaysian, should be ashamed of yourself when you say malas nak ambik tau pasal politik negara sebab dua-dua coalitions pun sama. This is your future, your generation's future yang awak malas nak ambik tau. What happens now will shape the future. Jangan pulak bising of what's happening to this country when you've done nothing to change it. Please don't say one vote won't make a difference, of course it can make all the difference you want it to be.

If you haven't registered as a voter yet, please register now.

Wow this whole post sounds like a public announcement or something.


barukisu said...

dh register!!!...semalam ;p tp xsure pon boleh vote ke x heh. sunday ni jom jumpe!

wani said...

Alaaaa Sunday dah ada plan! Next Friday nak? Kak Wani cuti :)

barukisu said...

silap2 sunday kte pon xfree, saturday boleh kan?

wani said...

Haha Baruuuu senang-senang kita msg esok plan balik okay?