Monday, November 28, 2011

The world doesn't revolve around you

Backpacking, the latest fad in Malaysia.

I'm planning on backpacking trips in June and October next year but somehow listening to all these people talking about their backpacking trips turns me off somehow. I don't know, maybe they're just so enthusiastic about their trips and I'm being my sceptic self but I really hope they would turn down their bragging a little bit. 

I know your life is interesting and all, but why do you have to do all the talking? Zzzz bila menyampuk dia potong cakap kita balik dan sambung cerita dia.

This is boring the hell out of me.

I know it's more than 24 hours until the match, but come on lads, you can do it! Let's thrash some blue Manchester asses!

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