Sunday, September 06, 2009

there are reasons why I don't like people sometimes

2 of my friends posted "The 12 Most Annoying Types of Facebookers" on Facebook and I just want to share my view on "The Lurker". Don't get me wrong, I'm one of them too (well, sometimes...when i have nothing better to do) but even I think it's beyond creepy that someone you don't know that well is giving you all sorts of messages and talking about details like you personally told them (such as where you work, with who you went out the night before, etc,etc).

The other thing that I sometimes hate is that people like to comment on your wall-to-wall between you and a friend. I don't mind if it's about something silly like that "Nur Kasih" argument on my wall, but when it's about something, like a private joke, that you only share with that particular friend, it can be annoying as hell when you see that other people have also commented on your posts and asked "kenapa? kenapa?". Dude, if i wanted to tell you, I would've posted that shit on your wall too.

Lessons learned. No more giving out those kinds of information on Facebook and note to self: do not comment others' posts.

I went through almost 24 hours without sleep yesterday but it was worth it. An outing with your girlfriends that you haven't seen in ages is a potent sleep-reducer. And then this morning, i finally got to catch The Orphan. Didn't like it, but I thought that Esther girl was scary as shit. I think The Orphan is very formulaic (for less of a better word) because it just follows the formula of a horror movie too closely. I even think that some parts are beyond rubbish. Well, some people said that the movie's hella good but then this is not the first time that my opinion contradicts others'.

One more thing, the usage of the word "beb/babe" is totally grating on my nerves so please don't use it in front of me.

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