Friday, August 28, 2009

25 more random things about me

you know about that "25 random things about me" on Facebook? since i already did that and i really, really want to write more things about me, well this is it.
  1. I'm in a cranky mood.
  2. Last night, I went to bed before 9PM but I was awakened by a phone call from Shahriz sometime after midnight. As much as I enjoyed hearing from her, I really, really wish that she picked a more appropriate time to call me because I couldn't go back to sleep after that.
  3. Have I told you that I have been awake for more than 11 hours and it's only 12.50 PM? I can barely keep my eyes open.
  4. I love numbers. I'm extremely good with numbers. I don't understand why I hate what I'm doing now.
  5. Well, I'm cranky now but I couldn't help but smiled when I got the news about the Champions League Group H this morning.
  6. My mom has been calling me twice or thrice a day since she went balik kampung because she's afraid that we're not eating properly. She's right, we're not.
  7. I crave nasi kerabu since Tuesday.
  8. I hid 22 people from my news feed.
  9. Someone at work likes to baby-talk and it's grating on my nerves. She uses "bambam" instead of "sleep", okay!
  10. I'm easily annoyed.
  11. I just muttered a curse. There goes my pahala puasa.
  12. I can't stand the word "babe/ beb". I don't know why.
  13. I'm doing something that might hurt a dear friend.
  14. I really, really want to bite someone's head off right now.
  15. I suck at folding clothes.
  16. I don't remember most of my primary school friends. Oh, make that secondary school friends too. Actually, they're not my friends. We just went to the same school, that's all. Oh well.
  17. I never hold much regards about Indonesian pop/ rock songs. They're too sappy for my taste.
  18. I don't understand why people make a fuss about the "25 random things about me" list. I love reading the lists. I began paying a closer attention to my friends because of those lists.
  19. Someone I know said "and people actually read that thing?" when I told him about the list. I really wanted to smack him silly at that time.
  20. I miss my friends. :(
  21. I want to get married, just so I can avoid going to work.
  22. I hate Crocs with a passion. I'm going to bar any Crocs-wearers from my wedding.
  23. I wish I wrote the Twilight series. not because I love the books, but because I can't believe they managed to garner this kind of attention.
  24. The best 25 list I've read is this list.
  25. I cracked up when I saw this:
ShokChan Phuah

ShokChan Phuah Anis:)you used to stay near my place right?How have you been?

I still don't understand what being single at the moment has anything to do with the question "how have you been?".

I'm too sleepy to do anything about the pics and the names. biar je lah. :D

note: i just realised that the some of the words are not visible. that pixie-haired lady wrote:

"Anis :) you used to stay near my place right? How have you been?"




wani said...

Oh for goodness' sake don't flatter yourself. I didn't write about you. If it weren't you and it was somebody else, I'd have written the same thing too. I was just too lazy to blur you and her names.

Nice to see that you're posting this post on your Facebook AFTER you googled your name, since this post was written in 2009.

Can't believe I'm reacting to a comment from a 2009 post. Blegh.