warning: spoiler alert!!
i don't understand people sometimes. i can't believe that they were surprised when i told them that i liked the new Harry Potter movie.
here are the reasons why i liked Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:
- the stunning visuals and effects. i think that's 'nuff said.
- the improved acting by the kids, especially Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy). you could feel his anguish, even without him saying anything. that took a lot of effort.
- the movie is more mature and darker. i think this instalment is Harry Potter's most mature and darkest movie among them all.
- the fact that it's not a direct translation of the book. i'm pretty sure that most of Harry Potter's fans were miffed to see that Dumbledore dies without struggling or Harry's help. here's my logic. Dumbledore is already weakened by that wine he drinks in order to retrieve the locket. plus, he has already used up his energy and power to save Harry from the Gollum-like creatures, so it's no wonder that he's not at his best to defend himself from Snape's attack. about Harry, i like the fact that he stays below and doesn't involve in the fight. he has promised Dumbledore that he will follow every order and being the honourable young man that he is, he does just that, even though it pains him to see Dumbledore's death.
- the Death Eaters. i absolutely love Bellatrix. i love Snape too. he's an imposing figure. oh, and Slughorn too.
- this instalment is more believable and complex than the other instalments. i don't know why people were pissed when i said that. believable and complex work for me everytime.
- the story is 2 1/2 hours long. it's quite dragging too.
- the characters talk a lot. it's fine with me though. they're teenagers and maturing. they do talk a lot, in case any of you forgets your teenage lives.
- there are just too much cloying, barf-inducing teenage romances scenes. i think i can live another day without knowing that Lavender likes to snog Ron until his lips are chapped.
- there's not enough explanation about the Half-Blood Prince himself. come on, his name is on the title of the movie. he deserves a few more mentions.
- the baddies deserve more screen time. i love watching them.
i just knew that the cinematographer for the movie, Mr Bruno Delbonnel is also the cinematographer for A Very Long Engagement. that explains the stunning visuals. i bow before him.
dumbledore mmg dh lame sakit...and ade sbb nape die x brape terer mase lwn snape.
psl HBP tu...dlm buku pun x brape detail sgt.ujung2 br tau...kot.
aku ade buku tp x pnh teringin nk bace.
hahahaha, sama la. aku takde selera nak baca. aku cuma skipped through je. HBP and DH tu tebal sgt la.
aku ada wiki pasal Dumbledore tu. ada la sebut pasal body-binding invisibility curse and whathavenot yg prevent harry daripada tolong dia. pastu yg snape tu pasal dia nak draco's soul remains intact whatsoever. since dlm movie takde sume tu, aku ikut logic aku je.
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