work that muscles, love.
i have 8 movies waiting to be downloaded, 5 movies that are still downloading and i've been downloading Festen, a Danish movie, since the past 3 weeks! the problem is not with the number of seeders, because the last time i checked, there were 23 of them. so, what in the world is happening?
ok, this is getting ridiculous. i need to get everything in perfect order because summer is coming, which means more yummy movies will be in theatres soon.
correction: Malaysia's average download speed is 1.67Mb/s but the download speed for Selangor is 1.88Mb/s. Penang has the fastest download speed with 2.62Mb/s. ok, now tell me who are these people? why on earth the people in Penang enjoy almost double (and more than double than mine) the download speed than people in Selangor? even KL's download speed is only 1.60Mb/s.
and before any of you starts shouting obscenities and saying that European and North American countries enjoy the highest download and upload speed, well, you couldn't be more wrong because South Korea and Japan holds position #1 and #2 in the said arena.
aku dah trase was2...adekah ko nak g tgk sbb cite nie mg best ato sbb muscle yg geli2an tu...adekah???
mengapakah ngko tak tau yg movie ni adalah the most anticipated movie of the year?
I'm so gonna watch it at the cinema even if there are so many pirated versions out there
me too. i'm going to watch it next Thursday. nak tunggu weekend ramai org kot.
tapi yg lain tu, mcm harry potter and transformers? lanun je la.
Transformers I'm not going to miss it. Paksa org belanja sudah~
ye, saya tau siapa.
since i'm going to watch more than 12 movies shown in Malaysia in the months of May, June and July, i have to sacrifice some. as much as i love Megan Fox, i don't think she can't hold much of my interest, especially when Shia LeDouche is sharing her screen.
2 words to describe hugh jackman
WHAT??? but can you imagine anyone else playing Wolverine though?
really, Anonymous, you're breaking my heart and i don't even know who you are.
how old are you anyway?
thank you for pulling my leg.
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